Sunday, February 23, 2014

At Home

Just a minute ago, Gavin was sitting on the floor playing with Chesterton. He had a small plastic bowl of goldfish clutched in his waving fist; he would plunge his hand into the bowl, take out a bunch of goldfish and scatter them across the floor, then laugh uproariously as Chesterton greedily gobbled them up. No sooner were the goldfish gone, then Gavin took another handful to feed to the dog, giggling and screeching all the while. What a generous, and messy, little brother I have: his nice Sunday outfit of kahki pants and a thick blue knit sweater (as well as his chubby face) are crumb-laden.
My generosity may be needed in a different manner, but it is ever so important. Will it make a difference in this week if, behind my every subtle action, I am persistent in a spirit of generosity? Can I do it with Gavin's delighted smile and bubbling laughter? I think I've lost a good deal of that baby's glee in giving--maybe I can grow it back.
I've tried to stick around home the past few weekends, in order to preserve my time (this has nothing to with generosity, it's only common sense). I've been so much happier, and so much more fulfilled. Yesterday I managed to clean the bathrooms, sort my drawers and bake bread, as well as do plenty of small fun things that I never have time for during the week. It was a sweet and sunny day, ending with brownies and gelato and Return of the King with Ladybird.
Today I hope to wash cars and do a little more cleaning, then relax and write, or whatever else strikes my fancy in the afternoon. There's something to be said for "a quiet and humble life" as Paul wrote... though the humble part may take some time.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The snow was lovely, but brief, and I'm glad of it. We've had a week of fat cool raindrops coming down almost every day--yesterday was especially stormy and wet. I must really be an Oregonian now, being so relieved to be done with snow and have my sweet, normal rain back again. Besides, I need that rain if I am to have a garden this year.
Valentines day was a nice, chocolatey, family filled time. I wish the whole clan of my immediate family had been here at Hilltop Manor. But we enjoyed our small party with traditional Valentine hamburgers, chocolate milkshakes and "kissable" coconut cupcakes (they were named so a few years ago by one enamored eater). I was actually pleased with the Valentine cards I made this year--maybe I will develop an artistic side yet :-)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Snow and Mousse

It's falling thick and fast--a dry white waterfall. Our Oregon snows are usually moist and dense, falling in big wet globs; but today I can see each snowflake. Ladybird and I, on a sledding adventure, watched dry, thumbnail-sized clumps touch the black sled surface and burst apart, revealing all the intricate flakes. I've never been able to truly see a snowflake, with my naked eyes, before. It is wonderful to see the angelic, glittering bits of ice, shaped like flowers and stars in a myriad of sizes and exquisite points.
When we came back we found that Lavender Girl had left dessert at the house for us and Mama and Gavin. So we satisfied our sweet cravings with lemon mousse and giant meringues--meringues that crunch softly when you bite into them, and have a sticky, creamy layer inside, and even farther in are completely hollow. The best kind. Ladybird, after a bite, picked hers up and crumbled it all into her ramekin of mousse, "like chips in chili", she said. Perhaps, the dessert version.
I've decided to take a snow day today. After a hot soup lunch we went sledding, and then came the meringue and mousse. Now we have plans for a nice snow photo-shoot (it's been far too long since either of us had the time to keep our photo-shoot tradition!) and tonight, after dinner, it will be time for a movie (probably a Harry Potter, as we seem to be hooked on that series this past month) and drink hot chocolate. If we can fit any more dessert in us, we might even indulge in those cupcakes I know are still waiting in the freezer.