Friday, December 2, 2011

Just Another Perfect Day...

It's not quite over yet, by the way. I still have a whole afternoon to fill up. But so far, the title "perfect" has been very applicable. Autumn is slowly, gradually sliding away, and I'm enjoying the last few weeks of orange-tinted leaves, vibrant sunsets, scudding white clouds and crisp blue skies. Earlier today, as I sat atop a hill close to the house, I wrote down a poem in my nature journal. I composed it, or at least part of it, yesterday evening as I stood on that same hill, watching a magnificent sunset fade to a rosy horizon. And the moon! Did I mention that the moon looked exactly like it was made of sugar? It did. Here is what I wrote:

Oh, for an  autumn sunset,
The wealth of  ripened days,
The color and life of an evening,
Burning in so many ways.

Oh, for a crescent of silver,
For the stars that night is calling.
Into the depths of sunset and moon
I'm falling, falling, falling.

It's a little bit cobweb-ish, a little bit poetic, but isn't that the essence of  poetry? And I had a lot of fun writing it, enough that it's flimsiness is completely eclipsed by the joy of the scene it should depict.
Just as I finished writing it down, my handy little alarm clock rang, and I packed up my bag to run home, re-braid loose hair, jump in the car, and then ride into Monmouth for my piano lesson. It was very good, and  I returned with a couple of good practice techniques, a new piece to learn, and a fresh dose of interest, which should help quite a lot when it comes time to practice. I'm definitely looking forward to the new song, a sweet piece with an unusual melody, by Isaac Albeniz. It is "Capricho Catalan"; I have no idea what that means, but the music is beautiful, and I like it.
The rest of the afternoon I will walk (maybe identify the birds I saw flitting outside the window a moment ago), read, and complete my portion of house cleaning. Then it is into town for the Christmas tree lighting and a concert, which I think will be very good. Today has been another perfect day.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful poem. I'll have to come by here often and see what you post. Just beautiful.
